Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Tuesday's Writings #No 8

 Tuesday's Writings #No 8

Each week I will post three words. Please forgive the lateness this week.You write something using the words. Then come back and post a link in the comments and I will link you up in the post below prompts so others can read your work, I advise you to read other's work too so we can all benefit and make comments. Don't worry if it's not Tuesday you can post until Monday the next week or if you want post and I'll try to include you in the previous week's posts. Comments can encourage enrich and invigorate writers and poets offerings so please share the love.

 Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/SweetSheil and Tweet about Tantalizing Tuesday's Tete-tete's
All work belongs to the bloggers/authors 

Prompts this week:  martyr, garble, impanel

Definitions below:

1.)  martyr

         plural noun: martyrs
         a person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs.
                     "saints, martyrs, and witnesses to the faith    (verb)
3rd person present: martyrs
   To kill (someone) because of their beliefs.

"she was martyred for her faith"

(to be persecuted)

2.) garble

1 : to sift impurities from
2 a : to alter or distort as to create a wrong impression or change the meaning
b : to introduce textual error into (a message) by inaccurate encipherment, transmission, or decipherment
Example:The best man was nervous and garbled the inspirational quote at the end of his speech.

3.) impanel
transitive verb
:  to enroll in or on a panel impanel a jury
impaneled, impanelled, empaneled, empanelled;  impaneling, impanelling, empaneling, empanelling

Name                           Poem or Story         Blog Address

Tuesday's Writings #No 9

Tuesday's Writings #No 9

Each week I will post three words. You write something using the words. Then come back and post a link in the comments and I will link you up in the post below prompts so others can read your work, I advise you to read other's work too so we can all benefit and make comments. Don't worry if it's not Tuesday you can post until Monday the next week or if you want post and I'll try to include you in the previous week's posts. Comments can encourage enrich and invigorate writers and poets offerings so please share the love.

 Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/SweetSheil and Tweet about Tantalizing Tuesday's Tete-tete's
All work belongs to the bloggers/authors 

Prompts this week:  geology,

Definitions below:

1.)  geology

  1. the science that deals with the earth's physical structure and substance, its history, and the processes that act on it.

    • the geological features of an area.

      "the geology of the Outer Hebrides"

    • the geological features of a planetary body.

      "the geology of the surface of Mars"

2.) oceanography

  1. the branch of science that deals with the physical and biological properties and phenomena of the sea.

3.) gaffe
  1. an unintentional act or remark causing embarrassment to its originator; a blunder.

    "an unforgivable social gaffe"

    synonyms:blundermistakeerrorslipfaux pasindiscretionimproprietymiscalculation,

Name                           Poem or Story         Blog Address

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Tuesday's Writings #No 7

Tantalizing Tuesday's Tete-Tete's (now Tuesday's Writings)#No 7

Each week I will post three words. You write something using the words. Then come back and post a link in the comments and I will link you up in the post below prompts so others can read your work, I advise you to read other's work too so we can all benefit and make comments. Don't worry if it's not Tuesday you can post until Monday the next week or if you want post and I'll try to include you in the previous week's posts. Comments can encourage enrich and invigorate writers and poets offerings so please share the love.

 Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/SweetSheil and Tweet about Tantalizing Tuesday's Tete-tete's
All work belongs to the bloggers/authors 

Prompts this week:  informal, elevated, empathy 

Definitions below:

1.)  informal

  1. having a relaxed, friendly, or unofficial style, manner, or nature.

    "an informal atmosphere"

    • of or denoting a style of writing or conversational speech characterized by simple grammatical structures, familiar vocabulary, and use of idioms, e.g., tu in French.
    • (of dress) casual; suitable for everyday wear.


  1.  adjective
  2. situated or placed higher than the surrounding area.
  3. "this hotel has an elevated position above the village"
    1. synonyms:
      raised, upraised, high up, aloft

      "an elevated highway"
    1. 1.
      an elevated railroad.
    1. 3.empathy
  1. the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

  1. Name                 Poem or Story         Blog Address                 

    Red Mist

     Red mist The world seemed to fade before me into a red mist. I couldn’t help it I found myself screaming and shouting incoherently and stam...