Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Tuesday Writings No #33

 Tuesday Writings No #33

Each week I will post three words. You write something using the words. Then come back and post a link in the comments and I will link you up in the post below prompts so others can read your work, I advise you to read other's work too so we can all benefit and make comments. Don't worry if it's not Tuesday you can post until Monday the next week or if you want post and I'll try to include you in the previous week's posts. Comments can encourage enrich and invigorate writers and poets offerings so please share the love.
Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/SweetSheil and Tweet about Tantalizing Tuesday's Tete-tete's

All work belongs to the bloggers/authors 

Prompts: strangely, consequences, greedy

Definitions below:

          1. in an unusual or surprising way.
            "he started acting strangely towards me"

                      greedy~ adjective
  1. having or showing an intense and selfish desire for something, especially wealth or power.
    "greedy thieves who plundered a defense contractor"
    • having an excessive desire or appetite for food.
      1.                                                consequences~noun
      2. plural noun: consequences
        1. 1.
          a result or effect of an action or condition.
          "many have been laid off from work as a consequence of the administration's policies"

          "the past is of no consequence"

      • "Name                 Poem or Story         Blog Address                 

Monday, February 19, 2018

Tuesday Writings No #32

            Tuesday Writings No #32

Each week I will post three words. You write something using the words. Then come back and post a link in the comments and I will link you up in the post below prompts so others can read your work, I advise you to read other's work too so we can all benefit and make comments. Don't worry if it's not Tuesday you can post until Monday the next week or if you want post and I'll try to include you in the previous week's posts. Comments can encourage enrich and invigorate writers and poets offerings so please share the love.
Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/SweetSheil and Tweet about Tantalizing Tuesday's Tete-tete's

All work belongs to the bloggers/authors 

Prompts: underneath, victory, struggles

Definitions below:


      • preposition & adverb

        1. "our bedroom is right underneath theirs

            1. so as to be concealed by (something else).

        2. "money changed hands underneath the table"

          1. the part or side of something facing toward the ground; the underside.

          1. situated directly below (something else).

                      victory~ noun

an act of defeating an enemy or opponent in a battle, game, or other competition.

"an election victory"
      1.                                                struggles~verb
      2. 3rd person present: struggles

        1. make forceful or violent efforts to get free of restraint or constriction.

          "before she could struggle, he lifted her up"

          "James struggled with the intruders"
        plural noun: struggles
        1. a forceful or violent effort to get free of restraint or resist attack.

      • "Name                 Poem or Story         Blog Address                 

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Tuesday's Writings #No 31

Tuesday's Writings  #No 31

Each week I will post three words. You write something using the words. Then come back and post a link in the comments and I will link you up in the post below prompts so others can read your work, I advise you to read other's work too so we can all benefit and make comments. Don't worry if it's not Tuesday you can post until Monday the next week or if you want post and I'll try to include you in the previous week's posts. Comments can encourage enrich and invigorate writers and poets offerings so please share the love.

 Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/SweetSheil and Tweet about Tantalizing Tuesday's Tete-tete's
All work belongs to the bloggers/authors 

Prompts this week: dire, Ponzi, cossack

Definitions below:


  1. (of a situation or event) extremely serious or urgent.
    "dire consequences"
    • (of a warning or threat) presaging disaster.
      "dire warnings about breathing the fumes"
      "dire warnings of fuel shortages"

                      Ponzi~ noun

a swindle in which a quick return, made up of money from newinvestors, on an initial investment lures the victim into much biggerrisks.
      1.                                                 cossack~noun
      2. A long-sleeved, hoodless garment. 

      • "Name                 Poem or Story         Blog Address                 

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Tuesday's Writings #No 30

Tuesday's Writings  #No 30

Each week I will post three words. You write something using the words. Then come back and post a link in the comments and I will link you up in the post below prompts so others can read your work, I advise you to read other's work too so we can all benefit and make comments. Don't worry if it's not Tuesday you can post until Monday the next week or if you want post and I'll try to include you in the previous week's posts. Comments can encourage enrich and invigorate writers and poets offerings so please share the love.

 Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/SweetSheil and Tweet about Tantalizing Tuesday's Tete-tete's
All work belongs to the bloggers/authors 

Prompts this week: spotlight, decayed, prisoner

Definitions below:

spotlight~ noun
  1. a lamp projecting a narrow, intense beam of light directly onto a place or person, especially a performer on stage.

  1. illuminate with a spotlight.

    "the dancers are spotlighted from time to time throughout the evening"

                      decayed or decay~

past tense: decayed; past participle: decayed

  1. (of organic matter) rot or decompose through the action of bacteria and fungi.

    "a decayed cabbage leaf"

    • cause to rot or decompose.

      "the fungus will decay soft timber"

    • (of a building or area) fall into disrepair; deteriorate.

      "urban neighborhoods decay when elevated freeways replace surface roads"

      1. prisoner~noun

        • a person captured and kept confined by an enemy, opponent, or criminal.
          "the heroine was being held prisoner in a cave"

          synonyms:captiveinterneeprisoner of warPOW
          "the army took many prisoners"
        • a person who is or feels confined or trapped by a situation or set of circumstances.

          "he's become a prisoner of the publicity he's generated
      2. a person legally held in prison as a punishment for crimes they have committed or while awaiting trial.

      • "Name                 Poem or Story         Blog Address                 

Red Mist

 Red mist The world seemed to fade before me into a red mist. I couldn’t help it I found myself screaming and shouting incoherently and stam...