Monday, September 25, 2017

Tuesday's Writings #No 13

Tuesday's Writings  #No 13

Each week I will post three words. You write something using the words. Then come back and post a link in the comments and I will link you up in the post below prompts so others can read your work, I advise you to read other's work too so we can all benefit and make comments. Don't worry if it's not Tuesday you can post until Monday the next week or if you want post and I'll try to include you in the previous week's posts. Comments can encourage enrich and invigorate writers and poets offerings so please share the love.

 Follow me on Twitter and Tweet about Tantalizing Tuesday's Tete-tete's
All work belongs to the bloggers/authors 

Prompts this week: luminance, essential, capacity

Definitions below:

Prompts: luminance-

  1. the intensity of light emitted from a surface per unit area in a given direction.
    • the component of a television signal that carries information on the brightness of the image.

  1.     absolutely necessary; extremely important.

    "it is essential to keep up-to-date records"

    synonyms:crucialnecessarykeyvitalindispensableimportantall-important, of the essence, criticalimperativemandatorycompulsoryobligatoryMore

  2. .

    (of a disease) with no known external stimulus or cause; idiopathic.

    "essential hypertension"
  1. .
    a thing that is absolutely necessary.

    "we had only the bare essentials in the way of gear"


  1. capacity- the maximum amount that something can contain.
    1. The ability to or power to do, experience, or understand something

    2. .

  1. Name                 Poem or Story         Blog Address                 
    1. Sheilagh Lee                 poem
    2. Sheilagh Lee        story

    Monday, September 18, 2017

    Tuesday's Writings #No 12

    Tuesday's Writings  #No 12

    Each week I will post three words. You write something using the words. Then come back and post a link in the comments and I will link you up in the post below prompts so others can read your work, I advise you to read other's work too so we can all benefit and make comments. Don't worry if it's not Tuesday you can post until Monday the next week or if you want post and I'll try to include you in the previous week's posts. Comments can encourage enrich and invigorate writers and poets offerings so please share the love.

     Follow me on Twitter and Tweet about Tantalizing Tuesday's Tete-tete's
    All work belongs to the bloggers/authors 

    Prompts this week: scribe, clandestine, toxic
    Definitions below:

    Prompts: Scribe- noun a member of a learned class in ancient Israel through the New Testament times studying the Scriptures and serving as copyist, editors and jurists.
    -an official or puplice secretary or clerk; a copier of manuscripts.
    Writer specifically a journalist

    1. Characterized by done in or executed with concealment, especially for purposes of subversion...
    2. Me.Felt drew on his espionage experience in 1972 when he E: insisted that the Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward


    1. :containing or being poisonous material especially when capable of causing death or serious debilitation 

      • toxic waste

        toxic radioactive gas
        an insecticide highly toxic to birds

      :exhibiting symptoms of infection or toxicosis 

        the patient became toxic two days later

      :extremely harsh, malicious, or harmful 

        toxic sarcasm
      :relating to or being an asset that has lost so much value that it cannot be sold on the market

    1. Name                 Poem or Story         Blog Address                 

      Monday, September 11, 2017

      Tuesday's Writings #No 11

      Tuesday's Writings  #No 11

      Each week I will post three words. You write something using the words. Then come back and post a link in the comments and I will link you up in the post below prompts so others can read your work, I advise you to read other's work too so we can all benefit and make comments. Don't worry if it's not Tuesday you can post until Monday the next week or if you want post and I'll try to include you in the previous week's posts. Comments can encourage enrich and invigorate writers and poets offerings so please share the love.

       Follow me on Twitter and Tweet about Tantalizing Tuesday's Tete-tete's
      All work belongs to the bloggers/authors 

      Prompts this week: Wondrous, discover, recipe
      Definitions below:

      Wondrous-adjective - Inspiring a feeling of wonder or delight; marvellous.
      ‘this wondrous city’
      Discover-  verb- Find unexpectedly or during a search.
      ‘firemen discovered a body in the debris’
      -(archaic) Divulge (a secret)
      ‘they contain some secrets which Time will discover’
      -Display (a quality or feeling)
      ‘with what agility did these military men discover their skill in feats of war’
      Recipe - A set of instructions for preparing a particular dish, including a list of the ingredients required.
      ‘a traditional Yorkshire recipe’
      -Something which is likely to lead to a particular outcome.
      ‘sky-high interest rates are a recipe for disaster’
      - (archaic)A medical prescription.

      ‘it would be useless to enumerate all the drugs and recipes for their application which have been tried’

      1. Name                 Poem or Story         Blog Address                 

        Tuesday, September 5, 2017

        Tuesday's Writings #No 10

        Tuesday's Writings  #No 10

        Each week I will post three words. You write something using the words. Then come back and post a link in the comments and I will link you up in the post below prompts so others can read your work, I advise you to read other's work too so we can all benefit and make comments. Don't worry if it's not Tuesday you can post until Monday the next week or if you want post and I'll try to include you in the previous week's posts. Comments can encourage enrich and invigorate writers and poets offerings so please share the love.

         Follow me on Twitter and Tweet about Tantalizing Tuesday's Tete-tete's
        All work belongs to the bloggers/authors 

        Prompts this week:  traumatized,

        Definitions below:

        1.)  traumatized

        past tense: traumatized; past participle: traumatized

        1. subject to lasting shock as a result of an emotionally disturbing experience or physical injury.

          "the children were traumatized by separation from their families"
          • MEDICINE

            cause physical injury to.

            "the dressings can be removed without traumatizing newly formed tissue"

        2.)  witness (or witnessed) 
        past tense: witnessed; past participle: witnessed
        1. 1.
          see (an event, typically a crime or accident) take place.

          "a bartender who witnessed the murder"

        2. 2.
          give or serve as evidence of; testify to.

          "his writings witness to an inner toughness"

        3.) disturbing
        1. causing anxiety; worrying.

          "disturbing unemployment figures"

        Name                           Poem or Story         Blog Address

        Red Mist

         Red mist The world seemed to fade before me into a red mist. I couldn’t help it I found myself screaming and shouting incoherently and stam...